Meet Brit of ROEN Candles
Rebecca: What was the catalyst for the creation of ROEN?
Brit: I started ROEN in 2017 after I had my second baby. I previously worked in retail as a buyer and also focused a lot on product development. I would take my newborn at the time on these long walks through our Los Angeles neighborhood in spring when everything was in bloom (orange blossoms, jasmine, osmanthus, magnolia trees). It was all so beautiful and fragrant and I was set on recreating this in our home. I always had a candle obsession so this felt like the obvious place to start. I began to dabble at home in our kitchen when my little one would nap. I experimented with different waxes, wicks and jars and created my own scents. I would test these all over the house and gift them to my friends. Eventually they started to ask if they could get some for their friends and that is when ROEN was born.
Rebecca: As a mom and a small business owner, do you find that these roles are in competition or that they complement each other?
Brit: After having children it was really important for me to have flexibility and to be able to manage my own time. Having a small business is a lot of work and sometimes I have to get things done at odd hours but I'm really grateful to be more available and present while my kids are young, so I'd say majority of the time ROEN and motherhood compliment each other.
Rebecca: Scent and memory are closely connected. When someone takes a whiff of one of your candles, what is the memory or feeling you seek to elicit?
Brit: Scent is very personal. The goal of our candles is to create unique, complex scent profiles that take you back to a time or place that elicits a fond mood or memory of your own.
Shop Brit's candles that we have in stock at Morpho Market here.